How to Keep Wildlife Out of Your Garden

It can be nice to observe wildlife like deer and rabbits here in Tallahassee, but it is not as fun to see damage to your garden once they’re gone. For…
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Save the Day, Don’t Throw it Away

What is household hazardous waste, and what should you do with it? Hazardous waste is any type of waste that poses a threat to human health or the environment. When…
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Where to Save and Splurge in Your Living Room

Interior design is all about balancing savings and splurges. When it comes to decorating your living room, the cost of furniture, rugs, and accent pillows can quickly add up. Even…
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How to Maintain a Healthy Home

As life happens, unless you are as practically perfect as Mary Poppins, it can be easy to let the little things go unnoticed. However, the little things going by the…
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How to Handle Disputes with Neighbors

Be it the aspiring professional craftsman next door who decided it would be most efficient to power saw by your bedroom window at 4 a.m. or the pounding steps of…
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