Are you Ready? Your 72 hour supply guide

To prepare for the unknown, each home should have a 72-hour Disaster Survival Kit. You will need to pack some essential items to help you and your family survive, whether…
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Choosing the Right Size Water Fountain

It’s always exciting when you finally install that water fountain you’ve been looking to add to your home or office. But what most people don’t realize when they are considering…
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Hand-Pick Your Cookware to Suit Your Cooking Style

Have you experienced that moment when you’ve spent hours making that gourmet recipe only to have it ruined by that discounted pan? Your masterpiece sticking to the bottom or that…
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The Benefits of Bird Houses & Feeders

Birds can sometimes use an extra wing to lean on for nourishment and shelter. Your birdfeeder and bird house may just be a welcome landing place for our feathered friends.…
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Things You Should Know about Asbestos

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral commonly found in homes, apartments and businesses constructed before 1980 – although it is still used in many building materials today. The name comes…
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Top Ten Things Not to Flush

1. Medications Prescription, over-the-counter, vitamins, illegal drugs, patches, and hypodermic needles   2. Cigarette butts Full of incredibly toxic chemicals that just end up in the water supply   3.…
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