Outdoor Lighting Tips

As we move into the winter season and temperatures begin to drop, an easy approach to creating an inviting outdoor environment is to add exterior lighting. Lighting features can help…
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Test Your Tree Stand Safety Knowledge

This season, many deer hunters will be hunting from ladder, climbing, or hang-on tree stands to keep their scent above the ground, give themselves a better line of sight, and…
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Tallahassee Staycation

Life can be overwhelmingly stressful. From a crazy work schedule to a non-stop personal life, everyone needs a break sometimes. The unfortunate truth, though, is that going on a vacation…
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Reducing Human-wildlife Conflicts

Florida’s wildlife and human populations encounter each other now more than ever before. From backyard wildlife viewing to observing wildlife while hiking in our local parks, seeing wildlife can be…
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Why Are There Fishing Regulations

Florida’s anglers should be proud of their conservation efforts, which have helped restore or sustain several valuable fisheries. As the number of anglers continues to grow, it becomes more important…
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Keeping Your Sofa Fresh

After a long day of work, most of us enjoy the simple pleasures of relaxing on the couch, putting our legs up, and watching TV. After just seconds of serenity,…
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