All About Fire Ants

Here in Florida, we have two types of fire ants, the uncommon native or tropical fire ant and the red imported fire ant. The latter of the two is much…
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Advice for Buying New Appliances

Among the most important tools in your everyday life are your home appliances. You utilize some of them every week and others every day. Because of how often appliances are…
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Wildlife ‘Rescues’ Can Do More Harm Than Good

Winter is finally over. Trees and flowers are blossoming, birds are building nests, critters are being born, and the calls about “abandoned” animals have begun. Spring is also the time…
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Tarping Your Roof

One of the realities of life in Florida is unpredictable hurricane seasons and a higher overall frequency of storms in general compared to most other places in the U.S. Because…
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Tarping Your Roof
Handyman working on repairing the roof for design

Why You Should Hire an Electrician

Hiring an electrician for an electrical project in your home is the best possible option for many reasons. It ensures the safety of your family, it guarantees that the project…
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