Fire Up your Water Heater with Natural Gas

Every resident, whether you own your home or rent, is concerned about energy consumption. For some, how much energy your household consumes can make or break your budget. The City…
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Common Spiders in North Florida

There are many types of spiders all over Florida, and you are likely to have spiders in or around your home. Spiders can be beneficial due to the fact that…
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Celebrate Our Oldest Residents

Trees are a Tallahassee staple from the canopy roads to the gigantic live oaks residing throughout the city. These trees have grown with our town for hundreds of years, and…
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Why Are There Fishing Regulations

Florida’s anglers should be proud of their conservation efforts, which have helped restore or sustain several valuable fisheries. As the number of anglers continues to grow, it becomes more important…
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Keeping Your Sofa Fresh

After a long day of work, most of us enjoy the simple pleasures of relaxing on the couch, putting our legs up, and watching TV. After just seconds of serenity,…
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