It is crucial to ensure that the trees on your property are happy and healthy. In Florida, due to the high risk of inclement weather like hurricanes and tornadoes, it is recommended that you have your trees inspected every 2-3 years. Trees can provide plenty of benefits to property owners from saving money on energy to increasing property’s value; however, if trees are not properly taken care of, they can cause a myriad of issues, including property damage, potential decrease in property value, and possible harm to you and your loved ones.
Founded in 2002, Arbor Pros Expert Tree Company has been helping the greater Tallahassee area keep people, property, and trees safe. Whether front, side, or back of residential or commercial properties or government properties like downtown parks or the Governor’s mansion, Arbor Pros has aided in making our area as beautiful and safe as possible. Certified arborists do not only know how to service trees, but they also have a deep understanding of how trees grow and what they require to thrive.
Trees are like people in many ways. The way a tree grows and changes throughout life is eerily similar to the human life span. Trees grow tall and skinny in their early years just trying to reach sunlight for food. They are flexible in this younger part of life. As they play and sway around in the wind, they resist falling down and getting broken. Then, the tree has been growing strong and full of foliage. It is strong and sturdy now, but wait… the tree is widening out in the middle as it reaches middle age. The trunk becomes a bit more rigid taking a strong hold as it widens out. As the tree matures, its vascular system slows down and the wood and tissues start to deteriorate without nutrients flowing properly. At this point in a tree’s life, it is more susceptible to fall over due to weak joints and bad cavities causing weakness. Arbor Pros manages trees at all parts of their life spans differently. A doctor would not prescribe the same recovery rehab to a 10 year old as he would a 65 year old, nor would Arbor Pros prescribe the same treatment when it comes to trees.
At Arbor Pros, all of our certified arborists are credentialed through the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), an organization whose focus is on advocating for professional practices within the arboricultural field. While it is not essential to obtain an ISA certification to service trees, becoming certified with the ISA demonstrates a commitment to having expert knowledge on trees and the proper way to care for them. The arborists at Arbor Pros are consultants—not salesmen—focused on protecting people, property, and trees, not on selling people unnecessary services.
There are several things that you can do to inspect the health of the trees on your property. Some include looking for large dead tree limbs, signs of rotten wood or bark, and mushrooms growing at the base of the tree. Arbor Pros has an extensive checklist on its website that can help give you a full rundown of what to look for in a healthy tree. If you notice any problems with the health of your trees and would like a professional opinion, call Arbor Pros at (850) 445-6505 or email Office@Arborpros.com to schedule a free tree risk inspection.
Andy Baker
Home & Yard Magazine