Advice for Buying New Appliances


Among the most important tools in your everyday life are your home appliances. You utilize some of them every week and others every day. Because of how often appliances are used, it’s important when looking into purchasing a new one that you are equipped with the information required to make an educated choice. Maybe you’ve found a great deal on an appliance that you’ve had an eye on for a while, or perhaps one or more of your appliances are at the end of their lifespans. Either way, there are plenty of things to take into consideration to make sure you get an appliance that is right for you.



Perhaps the most important part in the process of buying a new appliance is making sure you know the dimensions of the area that you are looking to fill. If you are putting an appliance in a space that was empty before, you will want to take full measurements of the space considering room for not only the appliance itself but also aspects such as cables and airflow. Aside from the place where the appliance will go, it’s a great idea to measure all of the areas your new appliance will have to travel through to get to its destination so you know what to expect when you arrive home. Additionally, think of any other variables that may be impacted by a different-sized appliance, such as if a doorway will be blocked if you pick a refrigerator that opens in a certain direction. Things get easier if you are simply replacing an older appliance since you can measure it and pick out one of a similar size, but if the old appliance was a tight fit or you plan on opting for a larger appliance than the last, you will want to make sure you can account for that. Either way, it is better to be safe than sorry, and having accurate measurements will take the guesswork out of picking an appliance that fits your space.



Before you start researching appliances, you should have your budget figured out even if it’s just a rough idea of what you’re willing to pay. The more exact your budget is, the easier it’ll be to resist the urge to spend more than you intended when you’re ready to buy. You’ll want to factor in emergency savings when creating your budget because you wouldn’t want to spend your savings on a new refrigerator just to have your oven break down on you. Sometimes, you may be able to pay less than the advertised price through deals, such as:


–   Appliance bundles—If you’re looking to purchase or replace multiple appliances, especially ones that belong in the same room, such as your laundry room or kitchen, you may be able to find a great deal through an appliance bundle. This can also be a way to make sure that the appliances you’re purchasing gel together aesthetically. If you do decide to look into an appliance bundle, it’s important to make sure that the bundle you’re considering will fit your needs. It’s always a positive to have matching appliances, which is where appliance bundles can shine, along with the savings involved. However, you want to make sure that the quality of all of the appliances in the bundle is consistent so that you aren’t settling for, say, a less than satisfactory oven because you’ll be getting a good deal on the rest of the appliances in the package.


–   Introductory offers—While not ideal for every situation, making use of introductory offers on store credit cards can save you a good deal of money as long as you are aware of the fine print.



If you’re purchasing an appliance for the first time in a long while, it’s very likely that the landscape has changed when it comes to energy-efficient options. Gone are the days where choosing an energy-efficient product would mean that you’re sacrificing usability and shelling out extra money for no return on your investment. These days, energy-efficient appliances, while still typically requiring a higher initial investment, can save you money in the long-run on energy bills; you can often save enough to recoup that extra investment and more! The best way to tell if an appliance is energy efficient is looking for one that has the ENERGY STAR label, which is typically displayed prominently. In order to earn that label, the appliance must show a measurable reduction in energy usage, must contribute to energy-savings on a broad scale, and must still deliver the performance expected from appliances in today’s market.



If you have lingering questions about an appliance or feel stuck, it’s always a great idea to ask a professional for help. Experienced professionals can be great resources for not only product information but also information about upcoming sales and alternatives to the appliance that you were looking for that you might not have come across in your search. Some retailers offer discounted installation with the purchase of an appliance or can connect you with a partnered network of contractors that can help you with anything from moving to installing your new appliance. Services vary from store to store, so it’s a good idea to research or call ahead of your visit. There are even mobile apps nowadays that have an impressive feature where, using a technology called augmented reality, you can see an appliance in your home with your camera and some nifty 3D tech to get a preview of what the product will look like in your space in real-time.


Like many big home investments, doing your research before committing to the purchase can save you from headaches down the road, so it’s best to take your time and make sure that you get exactly what you’re looking for. In an ever-expanding market of appliances boasting the latest technology and new features seemingly popping up out of the blue, it can seem like a large undertaking to find an appliance that fits your needs. However, with the right research and utilization of the resources that are available to you, you can be confident that your appliance-buying experience will be a positive one.  


Kent Carson

Home & Yard Magazine