Top Ten Things Not to Flush

1. Medications

Prescription, over-the-counter, vitamins, illegal drugs, patches, and hypodermic needles


2. Cigarette butts

Full of incredibly toxic chemicals that just end up in the water supply


3. Feminine Products

Sanitary pads, tampons, applicators


4. Paper towels

NOT designed to break down in water like toilet paper


5. Cloth or Plastic

Cotton Balls & Swabs, Dental Floss, Band-aids


6. Cat litter

Made from clay and sand; two things that you should NEVER put down a toilet


7. Wipes

Baby wipes, “disposable/flushable” wipes, personal hygiene wipes, and cleaning wipes


8. Cooking Oil/Grease

Fats, oils, cooking grease – used or unused


9. Condoms

Condoms and condom wrappers


10. Diapers

Paper or cloth, no matter how dirty, please dispose of in trash