Tips to Fight Allergy and Asthma Triggers in Your Home

It’s that time of year…the leaves are changing, the wind is picking up and with it stirring up pollen and dust, causing allergy and asthma sufferers to, well, suffer. If you are one of the 60 million Americans that battle allergy and asthma symptoms, here are some helpful tips from The Maids to help keep your home an allergy free home.


1. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter, or high efficiency particulate air. 

A HEPA filter can trap large amounts of tiny particles like pet dander, pollen, and dust mites, making the air cleaner and better for your overall health. 


2. Use protective mattress and pillow covers

to help prevent dust mites from getting nestled all snug in your bed – but still wash your sheets and pillow cases in hot water weekly. Also, don’t forget to wash or dry clean your pillows at least once a year.


3. Whether you have curtains or blinds, clean them often.

Fabrics can trap dust quickly and easily so make sure and wash fabrics with hot water. Blinds should be scrubbed with soap and hot water.


4. You don’t want dust bunnies running around your house.

Dust furniture and vacuum upholstered furnishings regularly. Be sure to get every nook and cranny.


When it’s all said and done, a thorough cleaning of your home is still your best bet. If you’re extra sensitive, maintain that level of clean by vacuuming carpets and dusting surfaces daily.


About The Maids:


Known for its 22-Step Healthy Touch® Deep Cleaning System, The Maids is the only franchised residential cleaning service to clean for health, combining environmentally preferable cleaning supplies and state-of-the-art equipment with a methodical process to maintain the healthiest living environment possible for families. The Maids enjoys a 96 percent customer referral rate, distinguishing them as the residential cleaning service of choice. Visit The Maids ( for more information.